Our Story


Every Plant Has A Story

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We have a simple saying on our farm, “Every Plant Has a Story.” And it’s true - whether that story is of a rose that dates all the way back to the Mayflower, or the amazing dish you’ll be preparing with a range of rare herbs: every plant has a story.

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From the Ground Up

Our story began over 30 years ago. I was always into growing my own roses as a hobbyist - finding new varieties to add to the home garden. My collection kept growing, and soon the neighbors starting asking questions: “I’ve never seen that one before? What is it?” "“How do you keep yours alive each season? I’ve tried roses too many times to count and have given up!”

It wasn’t long before I was propagating roses and growing them for friends, helping to keep their gardens flourishing and thriving - and always getting excited about the stories. My friends and neighbors had these stories too, and they were sharing with others.

Over the years I collected many rare and historical varieties (and stories!) - soon the garden needed a greenhouse and then… then we had a farm! (You’ll notice in the picture that we use pots for many of our plants. The pots allow us to control the growing conditions and soil for every plant.) A few years ago we started working with herbs as well, focusing on the varieties you can’t find at the super market. There are 100s of varieties of herbs in the world, and they each have a different profile. Whether for cooking, crafting, or having around just for their aromas - herbs can provide incredible variety to whatever you are doing!

Always Listening

At the end of the day, we still love the stories. We love hearing where our plants go and how they are being presented or shared. Their past histories are incredible and fun, but their future is what excites us the most. Don’t be shy to get in touch! We can’t wait to hear from you.
