All About Lavender

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Medicinal Uses

Healing For Minor Burns And Bug Bites
Hair Growth
Vomiting, Gas, Upset Stomach And Abdominal Swelling
Menstrual Pain And Cramping
Osteoarthritis Pain

Plants That Are Good Companions To Lavender:


History Of Lavender

Originally from the Mediterranean, Middle East And India

Symbolic Meaning Of Lavender:

Purity, Silence, Devotion, Serenity, Grace, Calmness, Beauty And Femininity

Symbolic Meaning Of Purple

Royalty, Speaks Of Elegance, Refinement And Luxury

Biblical Meaning

Usually Mentioned In The Bible Due To Its Fragrance Which Was Priced In Ancient Times

Lavender Folklore

When God Kicked Adam And Eve Out Of The Garden Of Eve, They Took Lavender With Them.

Mary Hung Jesus’ Clothes On Lavender Bushes To Dry And Apparently His Scent Transferred To The Lavender Plant

Christians Made Crosses Of Lavender To Protect Them From Evil

Lavender Protected People From Plagues

On St. Luke’s Day In The 1400 And 1500’s, Young Maidens Sipped 
Lavender In Hopes Of Having Dreams That Identified Their True Love

While The Young Men Placed Lavender Under Their Pillow To Encouraged Them To Ask For A Women’s Hand In Marriage

Lavender Was Used By Wives To Ensure Their Husband’s Marital passion

Prostitutes Would Wear Lavender To Attract Customers And Protect Them From Cruelty And Violence


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